Become Certified to Teach Kids Yoga

- Become a fun, effective and inspirational kids yoga teacher

-Help children learn healthy tools for life  

- Learn how to teach children's yoga classes in public schools, private institutions, local community centers and online  

-Register with Yoga Alliance as an RCYT (Registered Children's Yoga Teacher)



Shine your Light on the Next Generation

-Create age appropriate, theme based classes for your students 

-Guide our youth through the epic journey of Yoga so that they can better understand, love and nurture themselves 

-Change the world one child at a time

-Improve our humanity by focusing on the loving and conscience education of our youth.


Embrace a Therapeutic Approach 

- Help the next generation lead healthier and happier lives 

-Dive into the growing body of research that shows that yoga can improve focus, self esteem, academic performance, memory and reduce anxiety and stress 

-Understand how to teach kids through a trauma-informed approach


Renee Evans

The information presented in this course is the medicine the world desperately needs. This course takes you beyond the poses and sequences and teaches how to connect, grow, and make a positive impact on children and families. Christine is extremely knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate about yoga with kids. She demonstrates games, activities, and songs appropriate for different age groups to cultivate emotional intelligence, spirituality, and physical and functional health. She truly unites the mind-body-heart connections in all of her teachings.

Valentina Prati

Christine is a great teacher! I really enjoyed putting into practice the visualizations. I realized the tremendous effect and power they have on us humans to rewire our brain for joy, healing and for our overall well-being. This training gave me confidence to create visualizations according to specific goals and themes and to apply them into my own life and future yoga lessons for kids. I learned the ideal postures for kids and teens, which are not the same asanas for adults in a classical yoga class. I learned a lot from Christine and she gave us wonderful feedback! 

Ane Pagola

This training has changed my life. Apart from learning a lot about yoga for children, you learn a lot of tools and skills for life. I started meditating a lot and living more in the present, two things I needed to introduce into my life before starting my own kids yoga teaching project. It also inspired me to believe in myself. Christine is an incredible woman, sharing her knowledge with others in a way that is so precious to me! All of the modules are so interesting and helpful for new yoga teachers for kids. 


In this training you will explore how to create age appropriate, theme based classes for your students in order to guide and accompany them through the epic journey of Yoga so that they can better understand, love and nurture themselves.

With this new awareness, our youth will have the tools to live in contact with their highest calling, their supreme Self and create a sustainable and purposeful future for themselves and for All. 

This training is aimed at mothers and fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, educators, counselors, health care professionals, including psychologists and pediatricians, and yoga teachers who have the passion and the desire to be with children and improve humanity. 

Upon completing this program you will have the confidence and skill to develop and teach a personalized Yoga program for the children already in your life or for those who are waiting for your arrival in their lives. 

About Christine McArdle, E-RYT 500, Author of "Om Shree Om: Mind, Body, and Spirit of Teaching Yoga to Children"

(book only available in Spanish, English version is part of Kids YTT course)

Christine's journey into yoga began as a first-year second-grade teacher, where she quickly realized the profound impact yoga could have on her young students. Inspired by her early practice with Iyengar and Kripalu yoga, Christine became deeply passionate about sharing these life-changing tools with children.

In 2004, as a mother and educator, she founded OM Shree OM, a children's yoga teacher training program that has since trained hundreds of teachers across three continents, dedicated to bringing the blessings of yoga to youth and educators alike. Christine's work is rooted in a deep understanding of biomechanics, functional movement, and the latest developments in pranayama, neurobiology, and mindfulness, all tailored to the unique needs of growing bodies.

Christine's teaching style is intuitive, passionate, and compassionate, drawing from her extensive experience in alternative education and her studies with diverse yoga traditions. She is also an author, musician, and avocado farmer, living in Granada, Spain, where she continues to teach and share yoga worldwide. Her mission is to serve others through yoga, fostering personal and global well-being.

Soma Yoga Institute is Pleased to Partner with Om Shree Om, a RCYS

(Registered Children's Yoga School with Yoga Alliance)

OM Shree OM, is a children’s yoga teacher training program founded in 2004 by Christine McArdle. 

Om Shree Om is a play on words reminiscent of Home Sweet Home.

May we bring the children back to their true nature, their home sweet home.

May we have the wisdom to protect, nurture and guide their journey in union with all of nature and for the good of All. 

This prestigious international children’s teacher training was the very first children’s training to be registered by the Yoga Alliance, USA.

The program aims to serve the needs of children raised in the 21st century. It helps caregivers, primary and secondary school teachers, yoga instructors, and parents develop yoga and mindfulness tools for raising healthy and happy children.

For the first time ever, this training is being offered online at Soma Yoga Institute.


Program Structure

  • 10 Week Program. October 1-December 16, 2024.
  • Includes 10 Modules of Prerecorded Content
  • Live Zoom Calls, these will be recorded and available to you to watch in your own time if you cannot make the time. Live Zooms are on Saturdays on October 5,19,26, November 2,9,16, and December 7,14 from 8:00am-10:00am Pacific Time | 11:00am - 1:00pm New York | 5:00pm - 7:00pm Madrid
  • 95 hours (Invest approximately 9-10 hours per week for 10 weeks or take a bit longer to complete the assignments you have up to 5 months to complete the entire course)
  • Lifetime access to the material
  • Each week consists of videos and handouts that include lectures, exercises, and sample-themed yoga practices for kids
  • Upon completion be certified to teach Kids Yoga through Om Shree Om.
  • Register with Yoga Alliance as an RCYT (registered kids yoga teacher). Please note that after graduation from this program 30 hours of teaching is required by Yoga Alliance before registering as an RCYT.
Register Here!

Module One - Serving Children of the 21st Century

  • Introducing the Om Shree Om method, a highly therapeutic approach to practicing yoga with children of all ages and adolescents.
  • Children of the 21st century. Discussion involve issues in our world today, the characteristics, challenges and gifts of our youth, insights into how to accompany them in the discovery of their being, body, mind and spirit.
  • Discuss traditional educational styles vs. alternative approaches to educating and how the Om Shree Om “peda- yogic approach” works.
  • The role of the teacher or guide, what it takes to be of service on these terms.

Module Two – Trauma, PTSD, and Yoga's Therapeutic Benefits 

  • An introduction to the polyvagal theory, attachment theory and sensory integration.
  • Trauma and working with children in crisis today with discussion on issues from pandemia, war, immigration, sexual or emotional abuse, race, gender or other
  • Post-traumatic stress and how you as a guide and companion, can observe and support suffering children.
  • Explorations of a growing body of research that shows that yoga can improve focus, self-esteem, academic performance, and memory and reduce anxiety and stress

Module Three – Developmental Approach to Creating Classes & Themes

  • Understand the physiological, biological, neurological and spiritual needs of children and our youth from toddlers to 4-5 years old through 7, 8 through 12, 13 through 17, 18
    through 24.
  • Explore how to best observe your students so that you may create and co-create Heartfelt classes focused on their personal and collective needs.
  • How to write heart-theme-based classes to meet them where they are.
  • Learn the basic “ingredients” recommended to include in a more therapeutic yoga practice for kids vs. a more typical children’s yoga class.
  • Practicing the art of wise and respectful communication. Classic stories, illustrated children’s books, and books on yoga that we recommend for your classes.

Module Four – Emotional Intelligence, Creating Limits,
Creative Play

  • Understand emotional intelligence and how to prepare classes for a variety of learning styles.
  • Discuss how to create limits with children so that we all feel safe, loved, and free to be you and me.
  • Explore the value of Acroyoga, yogic games, theatre and creating art in the yoga classroom different dynamics that build community, help us process life events and raise self- esteem.
  • Soul songs and mantras to share with children of all ages.

Module Five – Spirituality, Chakras for Kids and the Power of Breathing and Meditating with Kids

  • Spirituality, how is it cultivated in a yoga class? Religion and spirituality, creating inclusivity through language
  • The latest research on this subject and ways in which to nurture children’s spirituality, including different rituals and ceremonies that children love.
  • Breathing with Kids and Pranayama
  • Introducing the new science on the breath and breathing exercises.
  • Meditation, guided visualisation and mindfulness for, by and with children and adolescents.
  • Introducing the mudras, the chakra system and reiki to children of all ages, ideas and inspiration.

Module Six – Asana & Alignment (Pose Study with Kids)

  • Learn to teach safe and secure alignment principles for children of all ages.

  • Discuss how to share classic Hatha yoga postures for the different ages.

  • The benefits of certain kundalini practices for children.

  • Learn to safely prepare their bodies for functional everyday movement.

Module Seven – Asana & Addressing Misalignments (Pose
Study with Kids)

  • Explore postures that are recommended and not recommended to practice with children.  

  • Understand key, classic misalignments and how to correct them.

  • Develop your understanding of functional movement: sitting, standing, squatting, jumping, skipping and how we can add to our yoga practice to optimise these movements.

Module Eight – Living in Harmony with Nature & Aromatherapy in Practice

  • Introducing the Yamas and Niyamas, Doshas and Gunas to our youth so they can better understand themselves and others and live more in harmony with nature.

  • Introduction to cyclical life and how to assist youth to better understand and listen to their bodies through yoga.

  • Living in harmony with the phases of the moon to respect and love the natural biophysical processes of young girls and adolescents. Meditation, guided visualization and mindfulness for, by and with children and adolescents.

  • Yoga in natural settings

  • Discover Aromatherapy, an introduction to this wonderful natural teacher and friend and use in classes.
  • Create the perfect first aid kit for anyone, including oils that calm, relax and help reduce stress, combat bacteria and viruses, lower inflammation, support respiratory functions,
    and digestion, bring joy and inspire love.

Module Nine – Bringing Yoga for Children into Your Community, Schools, and Home

  • Bringing Yoga into public or private school classrooms.  

  • Recommendations for working in schools with classroom teachers and directors. 

  • Curriculum building for a variety of options, teaching a full year of classes, two sessions a year or an 8 week session.

  • Family yoga it’s challenges, it’s joy and it’s benefits. When, where, how and why.

  • Marketing your classes.

Module Ten – Practicum Sharing Your Love

  • During this module you will have the opportunity to develop a class targeted to a certain age and population of children, inclusive of themes, posture, breath work and creative element.

  • Feedback will be provided to teachers to both celebrate and develop teaching skills.

Therapeutic Kids Yoga Teacher Training Pay in Full

$1095 USD Full Price
Therapeutic Kids Yoga Teacher Training

5 Monthly Payments of $219
Therapeutic Kids Yoga Teacher Training

$300 Deposit

About Christine McArdle, E-RYT, Author

Christine dove into a yoga practice as a first year second grade teacher. It did not take long for her to understand that the the peace and power that she felt being in Yoga class held the life tools that she wanted to share with her young students.   She began practicing Iyengar yoga with Mel Robins and Teresa Smith which led her to her first TT in a “compassionate Iyengar” + Kripalu style with Padmasri Tepedino of the Vibbhuti School of Yoga.  She was swept away by the biomechanics and Heart in Anusara Yoga  and studied with many great teachers over the years through certification.

In 2004, as a mother and educator, Christine directed her Yoga to help the much needed educational transformation, OM Shree OM, a teacher training for children’s yoga was born and has trained hundreds of teachers in three continents in the past 15 years, dedicated to bringing the blessings of yoga to our youth and to their teachers. Practicing asana with developing bodies offers a new challenge to yoga teachers. Christine felt it important to understand the biomechanics of functional movement and learn how our body moves in tensegrity and how our soft tissue, the fascia and miofascia, need to be understood and addressed to best serve our students growing bodies and optimise movement and longevity. New developments in the science of pranayama, neurobiology and mindfulness are also very important to her practice and teaching.

Christine was born in Brooklyn, New York, from Irish - Italian descent, grew up in Madrid, Spain, has raised two sons with her Peruvian husband Abelardo and lives today in the city of Granada, in Southern Spain from where she travels to teach and share Yoga world wide. She is an author and a musician, she runs a school and a yearly, weeklong family yoga festival in Spain; since the pandemia, she is also an avocado farmer. Her intuitive, passionate and compassionate teaching style draws from years of experience in alternative classrooms from Montessori and Pedagogía 3000 to Waldorf and Escuelas Vivas; she has had the privilege of learning with fascinating teachers in different styles of Yoga and from all walks of life which she weaves into her carefully themed, eclectic, fun and very informative classes. Her soul goal today is to simply be content with what Life has given her and to continue to be of service to All through the teachings of Yoga, for the improvement of the human condition on our very fragile planet.

Empower and Inspire: Free Lecture on Teaching Kids Yoga Using the Four Directions

Discover how to blend play with profound lessons, turning each class into an adventure of courage, strength, wisdom, and humility.

Sign Up Here for Free Access Now

Join Christine McArdle, Author, E-RYT, founder of Om Shree Om Kids Yoga Teacher Training